I remember sitting in the small room with my grandmother and my mother to choose my first tenor saxophone at Inderbinen when I was in my early teens. Since then I always trusted the work, knowledge and craftsmanship of Thommy Inderbinen, Dominik Roth and the whole Inderbinen-crew!
I‘m so unbelievable happy to find them with open ears for wishes and new ideas. So also this time we tried something new and they build me a copper bell next to my copper neck. We didn‘t know how the result would be, but after I played a entire tour with it I can say: I love it! There are even more lower frequencies in the tones than before. It has more warmth now and is still very powerful.
I found my perfect instrument with the Inderbinen tenor and I‘m looking very much forward to grow with it as a musician through my life journey. Here you can see the whole progress of building the bell: